18th class
Brad Johnson English 81, 18th class
Note on activism:  Google: :
 “Activism groups in Australia—Aborigines”
“Glenmary Group in Appalachia” working with the very poor in this area of the U.S.
This is “Poetry Month”.
For further creative writing, take:
Eng. 151 – Creative Writing Class
For arguing and debate take:
Phil 115 – teaches how to argue and debate if person wants to get into debate.
Notes on debate:
Don’t take things personally when people have different viewpoints than you.
Example: Abortion is a big issue – calm down to discuss this issue. Higher education teaches you to discuss controversial issues in a rational manner
CHAPTER 21 – “Revising for Sentence Variety”
p. 307: Join Ideas with a Past Participial Modifier
This page gives examples of starting sentences with words that end in “ed”. Write a sentence with a word that ends in “ed”. Example:  to jump -jumped,, to smile –smiled, to cry – cried, to discover – discovered.
A boring sentence pattern: svo (subject, verb, object) – “He was surprised by the noise. He got up to see what it was. It was a cat on a hot tin roof.”
To make this a more interesting sentence, start this sentence with an “ed” word, combine and delete (c/d). “It was”….”It was” makes the sentences boring. Move the verb to the front of the sentence to see if this works.
*“Surprised by the noise, he got up to see that a cat was on a hot tin roof. “
*“Surprised by the noise, he went to see what it was, discovering a cat on a hot tin roof.” (You need an answer to: “who was surprised by the noise”. The answer is “he”).
*“Surprised by the noise, he got up to see that it was only a cat,”
Further examples: Look at sentences #18, and #21 on p. 307.
Discovered in …., Discovered by……,
Angered by….Elated with…. Recognized for…… Exhausted after…….
p. 299: Begin with a Prepositional Phrase
Use prepositions: in, by, through, with, etc. Many more examples are found on this page.
Write whatever comes to mind using this pattern.
P. 304: Join Ideas with an –ing Modifier: This page shows examples of starting sentences with words ending in “ing”.  Laughing, dancing, walking, skiing.
Write a sentence with whatever verb ending in “ing” comes to mind.
 “Rhyming can require good timing.”
“Running through the forest, she saw a kitty.”
“Laughing, she walked past the kids”.
“Swimming in the ocean, Joe discovered a jellyfish.”
“Discovering at the bottom of the ocean, the captain found a treasure chest.”
“Laughing obnoxiously gives me a headache.”
“ Running a mile in less than four minutes is my dream.”
“Climbing Mt. Everest is a feat many would like to achieve,”
Remember: In the above examples, the subject is the whole, long phrase. This is more interesting than using a pronoun, proper noun, or article to begin a sentence.
Some boring examples:
“The headache is caused by laughing obnoxiously.”
“Brad would like to run a mile in less than four minutes.”
“She laughed as she walked past the kids.”
Your sentences do not always have to be svo  (subject, verb, object). Change it around to make the sentence clear and interesting. Do this by using words ending in “ly”, “ing”, “ed”.
These create new sentence patterns.
p. 297: Beginning sentences with an Adverb: This page shows examples of these types of sentences.
Examples of some adverbs: noisily, luckily, lovingly, seemingly, unfortunately, slowly, happily, sadly, nervously, anxiously,
Change verbs so that they end in “ly”.
Example: To laugh – laughingly
Find words that work:
Dejectedly, disturbingly
Start sentence with “to”. This is the infinitive. Some examples:
“To afford a house, one must have a job.”
“To agree to the proposal, the class discussed many options.”
“To appear professional, wear appropriate clothes.”
“To ask for help when needed is a smart idea.:
“To attempt a new career, learn the information necessary for this job.”
“To choose the right job, take classes that give you the information you need.
Take the infinitive and make a sentence out of it.
“To climb a mountain, you must have the correct gear.”
“To climb Mt. Everest is his dream.”
“To sit is a relief after a long, hard day”.
“To swim is healthy.”
‘To swim daily is healthy.’ Note: The subject is ”to swim”. The verb is “is healthy”.
c/d:  combine and delete. This technique makes your sentences more interesting.
Use this technique for .HW
REPEAT:  Make your sentences interesting by beginning them with words ending in “ly”, “ing”, “ed”.  (See the examples above.)
1.    Brad will check homework tomorrow from Weeks 2, 3, 4 -- look back on homework sheets for past HW. Have your homework ready from: Tuesday of Week 2 through Friday of Week 4.
      2.  Apply new sentence varieties in your draft. These were covered in class today:
               sentences beginning with “ed” words, “ing” words, “ly” etc. Remember to     use the “c/d” (combine and delete) suggestion. This is combining     sentences and deleting repeated and unnecessary words.
Tomorrow – continue internet research /read articles and synthesize articles.
You could write a persuasive paper to challenge another person’s way of thinking. A good place to challenge your thinking and another’s thinking is right here at Community College.  Challenge your beliefs and be open to having your belief system challenged by others.