2nd class
Brad Johnson’s English 81 class, 2nd class
Introduction:  During the first two weeks much information is being tossed out. Be patient. It will get better.
E = Evergreen text. There are two editions: old and new. The assignment pages for the old edition and the new edition are listed as such on the homework sheet.
HW = homework
J/E = journal entry
Week 2 Homework: This information is on the homework page. However, a review follows:
1.    Chapter 24, Subject and Verbs, read pp. 337-342 in the old edition, pp. 347-353 in the new edition. Practice 1-4. Do the odd numbered sentences.  
2.    Read chapters 1 and 2 in E
4.    Review numbers 1 & 3 (not 1&2).
5.    Scroll down to #31. There you will find a quiz containing 13 questions, multiple- choice. Take this quiz. Print it out and keep in your hw: homework folder. Please note: this assignment is considered additional or extra work.
E teacher edition is on reserve for you in the library. This book has all the answers.  Check to see if you had the correct answers. If you did not, you have options for extra help -- tutors: found on the 2nd floor of the library, RLC 113, go to teachers, go to other students.  Check out E, teacher edition for 2 hours and then take back as soon as done so another person can use it. Take the time you need but return this book as soon as you are finished.
Further explanation of hw – homework:
Chap. 1 – Writing Process
Chap. 2—Prewriting process, p. 8.  a. free write b. brainstorm, c. clustering. Read pp. 15-16. Choose one topic that is of interest to you from p. 15. Take 5-7 minutes to do brainstorming, 5-7 minutes to do free writing, 5-7 minutes to do clustering. On
p. 16, choose three topics and do the same. Out of the 3 topics, one needs to be a free- write, one a brainstorm, and one a cluster
Fw – free-write
Brainstorm – put down whatever comes quickly to brain
Clustering: draw balloons, maps, or use spidering and place together all items that belong in a category – p. 11 draw in clusters all the items that belong in a category.
eg.  Camping
    hiking: shoes, poles
    tent, food
NOTE: Writing is a process that develops overtime. It has many steps: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. to the end. This is a process leading to results, a final product. Need to take these steps to develop a product, Breathe have fun along the way.
PROCESS: prewriting is the first stage to writing. In front of you there is a scary blank sheet of paper. This stage is to get ideas from head to the blank piece of paper. Prewriting stage includes free write, brainstorming, clustering – p. 8 – not done for a grade. Play with this part of prewriting. This is the process of stage one. Get  ideas to write the first paragraph. You will receive much to write about over the next several weeks which will eventually turn into a first paragraph – will take several weeks to get there.
Monday – quiz on Chap. 1&2, free-writing on quotes
Tuesday – go over hw,
Wednesday -- talk about hw from Tues, but not collect, need to show hw on Fri
Thursday – see hw sheet
Typically will give hw and discuss the next day
5 stages for prewriting – everything done first weeks will be repeated for other papers
J = journal writing. E=entry
J/E #1 = Journal writing # 1. This was an in-class writing.
J/E #2 = Journal writing # 2,
Keep all papers together so teacher can quickly see all the work that was done
JE#/1:  simple but profound writing – 3 most profound words in the English language: “I love you”.  JE/#1 - this was from reading assignment from Thurs. – writing 2  or 3 short sentences. Make your writing clear to the reader. Very important in communication: understanding, frank, straightforward, interesting. But the most important is clarity - from  sender to receiver: A  to B. Nothing is more important in communication than clarity. Nothing takes the place of clarity. Don’t get chance to respond on written communication once it is sent – only get one time to send it, make sure it is everything you want it to be.  
Kinesthetic – physiological point of writing – this information was found in the reading assignment from Thursday.
Fridays – On Fridays, Brad will look at homework from the week. Have this ready for him to quickly read. This will include journal entries. Have one folder for hw, and another for drafts. Brad will look at hw folder quickly to see that hw is done from the week before. He will look at this every Friday
Chap. 24 -- do hw
pp. 88-102 read over the weekend if not already done
p. 4 of textbook – read first 11 pages. Look at bottom - exploring online – the article is on the website. It is a forty-four page report, but read only the first 11 pages. NOTE: this is extra. Summarize the first 11 pages – do a one page summary of ideas, important points, this is for extra credit – turn in at will, not due next Fri. but at will.