These are
Excel spreadsheets for grouping students.
Grouper 30 is designed for a class of up to 30 students.
Grouper 60 is designed for a class of up to 60 students.
These spreadsheets won't run if your "macro security" is set to
"high" in MS Excel. Within Excel, go to the menu and click on
Tools...Options...Security...Macro Security.
Choose "medium". Click "Okay, okay, okay."
Close the spreadsheet and reopen it.
It should work now.
To use the spreadsheets, go to the page called "Roster."
Enter your class list under the words "Enter Roster Here".
Delete the names of people who aren't in your class.
Save it some place where you can use it.
During class,
just open the spreadsheet to the "Roster" page.
Write anything (like "a") in the "ABSENT?" column for students
who are either absent or not participating in the exercise.
You can add new students as well.
Go to the page for the number you want in a group.
Click "Shuffle Groups." Ta da.
That's it.