Active Learning Exercise #1


1.      Why is drawing such an important facet of becoming a plant biologist?







2.      Phylogenetic systematics is based on both morphology and molecules.  Why are these an important component in organizing nature?







3.      What is the difference between phenetics and cladistics? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each as a tool to classify organisms?








4.      Using the traditional 5 kingdom system describe the main features of organisms in each of the kingdoms and give an example of an organism in each of the kingdoms.  Indicate similarities and links between the 5 kingdoms.






















5.      Create a flow chart for the classification of organisms in Kingdom Plantae to the level of Division.  Remember to use the dichotomy of classification schemes as a model.  Remember to include the green algae.



























6.      In your groups, using your textbooks do the following four things:  1) describe the plant accurately using the terminology of plant biology, 2) generate a list of questions that emerge from your groups descriptions, 3) read your groups description to the class, showing the class the plant they were given, and 4) read off the list of questions to the class, indicating why your group thinks each question is important (biologically speaking). State, Elaborate, Exemplify, Illustrate


Active Learning Exercise #2


1.      What are some of the modifications necessary if an alga is to become evolutionarily adapted to living on land?  Is a single modification sufficient, or are several necessary? Explain.















2.      Given the modifications elucidated in question 1 that describe a successful terrestrial land plant, what cell types, tissues, and structural features would result? 
















3.      Given the modifications, cell types, tissues, and structural features educed in questions 1 & 2 that describe a successful terrestrial land plant, what is the most likely sequence of successful adaptive changes that could give rise to a land plant?











4.      In your groups do the following:  1) describe the general characteristics of angiosperms and gymnosperms,  2) contrast these 2 major groupings of plants,  3)  generate a list of questions that emerge from your groups descriptions that would help you understand why angiosperms and gymnosperms have been successful in a variety of habitats, 4) read your groups list of characteristics to the class, 5) read your groups contrasts of these 2 major groups of plants to the class, and 6) read off the list of questions to the class, indicating why your group thinks each question is important (biologically speaking). State, Elaborate, Exemplify, Illustrate
























5.      What are the scientific names of the 2 classes of angiosperms?  What are their common names?  What are some of the characters that you would use to identify the class of a specimen you had never seen before?















6.      On a separate sheet of paper draw a picture of a typical angiosperm flower.  Label all of the parts.


Active Learning Exercise #3


  1. Describe the 5 types of specialized types of plant cells and describe how their structures are adapted for their specific functions.















  1. When a young oak was 5 m tall, a thoughtless person carved his initials in its trunk at a height of 1.5 m above the ground.  Today the tree is 10 m tall.  How high above the ground are those initials?  Explain your answer in terms of the manner of plant growth. 
















  1. Describe the features of the shoot and root systems













  1. Describe the major characteristics that distinguish the Magnoliopsida from the Liliopsida in terms of the shoot and root systems.

















  1. What are the 3 tissue systems and their functions in plants?











  1. In your groups do the following:  1) in list form describe various anatomical features of plants that make it possible for a plant to retain water,  2)  generate a list of questions that emerge from your groups descriptions, 3) read your groups list of features to the class, and 4) read off the list of questions to the class, indicating why your group thinks each question is important (biologically speaking). State, Elaborate, Exemplify, Illustrate




Active Learning Exercise #4

Transport Across Membranes

Active transport is the movement of material against a concentration gradient and requires cellular energy (ATP) to carry out this movement. Sodium ion (Na+) is one substance maintained at a low concentration inside cells even though fluid bathing the cell has a high Na+ concentration. As shown in Figure 1 below, even though Na+ concentration is high outside the cell, active transport maintains a high Na+ efflux and thus keeps Na+ low inside the cell.



The data shown in Figure 2 has been proposed as strong evidence supporting the following hypothesis:


Hypothesis–Na+ is actively transported out of cells.

There are several aspects to these data, and each can be considered in relation to the hypothesis.



The efflux of Na+  is measured by injecting radioactive Na+  into the cell and then measuring how rapidly the radioactivity appears in an external bathing solution. When the cell’s metabolism is poisoned, what would you expect to happen to Na+  efflux?

Prediction 1–If Na+  is being actively transported out of the cell, then the metabolic poison should stop the production of ATP and thus decrease the Na+ efflux.

Result 1– Figure 2 shows that when the metabolic poison cyanide (CN) is added, the Na+  efflux drops to about one-fifth of the previous (unpoisoned) rate, and this result is thus consistent with the hypothesis.

Question–What if sodium influx were measured? Would you expect to see the same result?

Answer–The efflux is the movement of Na+ from a low to high concentration, and net movement would require energy. On the other hand, the influx would be expected to be passive, with no energy requirement, and CN should have no effect.

Adding the CN has presumably stopped the cell’s ability to produce ATP and thus eliminated the energy source for active transport. What do you predict would happen if ATP were added back to the cell?

Prediction 2– if Na+  is being actively transported, then adding  ATP should “restart” the active transport abolished by adding CN.

Result–2 As shown in Figure 2, the ATP added at 2.5 hours increases the efflux of Na+  and again supports the hypothesis



1.      When ATP was added at 2.5 hours, the Na+ efflux did not increase to the original level but increased only temporarily and then decreased. Why do you think this occurred?


2.      What could have been done to increase the Na+ efflux beyond the level observed at 2.5 hours?


3.      In another treatment, ATP that had been boiled to break the terminal, high-energy bond was applied to the cells. When this is done, what would be the obvious prediction and why?


Prediction 3–Since the terminal phosphate bond has been broken by boiling, the boiled ATP would not provide energy for active transport, and no increase in efflux should be observed.

Result 3–When boiled ATP is added at 1.5 hours, no efflux increase is observed. This result also indicates that it is the energy provided by the ATP molecule that is the key contribution to the active transport process and not some other component of the ATP molecule.


4.      Suppose some component of the ATP molecule other than its energy contribution was affecting active transport. What would have been observed in Result 3?


5.      Result 3 also shows that the physical process of applying some material to the cells does not affect efflux. How does it show this?


The results shown in Figure 2 represent one of the most conclusive experiments on active transport. This experiment indicates how much can be revealed by a single, well-designed and carefully conducted experiment.

Active Learning Exercise #4

Case Study II: Transport in Phloem

The transport of organic nutrients in flowering plants takes place in the phloem, while water is moved in the xylem. Phloem cells are connected end–to–end to form tubular strands that conduct the organic material. Phloem tissue extends from the leaves through the stem to the roots and provides a continuous pathway for transport. Sugars produced in the leaves by photosynthesis can be transported downward to the roots, and other material can be moved in the upward direction as well.  Plant physiologist have long wondered what causes transport in the phloem. Two major hypothesis have be proposed:


Hypothesis 1– Cytoplasmic streaming, the movement of cytoplasm in an orderly stream in one direction in the cells, can rapidly move material inside living cells. Organic material can be transported from one end of the phloem cell to the other by cytoplasmic streaming, cross the sieve plate, and continue to be transported in the same manner by the next phloem cell. Thus, rapid movement of large quantities of organic material through the phloem could occur.


Hypothesis 2– Sugar synthesized in the leaf by photosynthesis enters the phloem cells and increase the osmotic pressure. Water will then enter the leaf phloem cells in response to the increased osmotic pressure, increasing the water pressure, which forces the sugar and water through the phloem to the roots. This scheme, termed the pressure–flow hypothesis, is shown in Figure 1.

















Figure 1 A model system of the pressure–flow hypothesis of phloem transport


These 2 hypotheses represent 2 different yet reasonable explanations for phloem transport. But which of these is the more accurate description of what actually happens in the plant? To answer this question requires making predictions based on the hypothesis, performing experiments, and making observations to determine whether the predictions are consistent with the observations and results.

One major difference between the 2 hypotheses is that cytoplasmic streaming requires phloem cells to be alive for transport to take place. In the pressure–flow hypothesis, the phloem cells function more like “water pipes,” serving simply as passive channels for water and sugar movement.


Is it necessary that phloem cells be alive when transport is taking place? Cytoplasmic streaming does stop when cells die, and several inhibitors slow down or stop streaming.

Prediction 1– If the cytoplasmic streaming hypothesis accounts for phloem transport, transport should stop when the phloem cells are killed.

Result 1– When a section of a plant stem is killed, transport through this section stops. This is in contrast to water transport that continues through the xylem. Xylem cells are dead at maturity yet continue to be passive tubes conducting water. This observation, therefore, is consistent with the cytoplasmic streaming hypothesis.

Question– Is there an alternative interpretation of Result 1 that is consistent with the pressure–flow hypothesis?

Answer– When the phloem cells are killed, perhaps the cytoplasm plugs the openings in the sieve plate thereby preventing flow through the sieve cells. In this way, flow predicted by the pressure–flow hypothesis would be stopped.



1.      What effect would you predict on phloem transport if the rate of cytoplasmic streaming were slowed but not stopped?


2.      Since an alternative interpretation of Result 1 can be made, how strongly does Result 1 now support the cytoplasmic streaming hypothesis?


3.      Another question has been raised about the cytoplasmic streaming hypothesis. Is the rate of streaming fast enough to account for the rate of phloem transport. How fast can streaming transport material? Careful measurements made with a microscope while observing the streaming of cytoplasm indicate the streaming rate is approximately 0.04 cm per minute in a variety of cells. How does this compare with transport rates measured in phloem?


Prediction 2– If measurements of phloem transport are approximately equal or less than 0.04 cm per minute, these measurements would be consistent with both hypotheses. If the phloem transport rate is much higher, transport by cytoplasmic streaming would appear to be much less likely.

Result 2– The rate of movement in the phloem has been measured in a variety of ways. Common methods involve adding dyes or radioactive material to the phloem and observing how rapidly this material moves up the plant. One very interesting technique measured the rate of pumpkin growth and calculated the rate of sugar transport in the phloem necessary to maintain the observed rate of growth. All these methods have frequently indicated phloem transport rates of about 2 cm per minute with some as high as 8 cm per minute. These rates are far greater than could be explained by cytoplasmic streaming. Such results, therefore, suggest the pressure–flow hypothesis is the more likely explanation of the mechanism of phloem transport.


How could the pressure–flow hypothesis explain the movement of material from the roots upward to the top of the plant as is sometimes observed?

Answer– If the sugar concentration entering the phloem at the roots is greater than the sugar entering at the leaves, more water will enter the root phloem, forcing movement toward the top of the plant.




4.      What if measurements of the rate of phloem transport had been 0.5 cm per minute? This result would be consistent with which hypothesis?


5.      The rate of phloem transport was measured in a variety of ways. How does this strengthen the validity of the result?


6.      If the rate of photosynthesis was increased so more sugars were produced, how might this affect the rate of phloem transport as described by the pressure–flow hypothesis?

The observations and results on phloem transport provide stronger support for the pressure–flow hypothesis even though cytoplasmic streaming initially seemed to be a valid hypothesis.

This study is an interesting and informative one because it illustrates that 2 or more initial hypotheses can provide valid explanations, while subsequent experimentation and careful testing can narrow the explanation to one most likely hypothesis.


Active Learning Exercise #4

Case Study III: Transport in Xylem

How does water reach the top of tall plants, such as trees? The cohesion–tension model of xylem transport has been hypothesized as follows:


Hypothesis– The cohesion–tension model of xylem transport is a mechanism to explain transport of water to the top of the tallest tree.

This hypothesis proposes that the evaporation of water at the leaves pulls water through the xylem to the top of the plant. Enormous force must be exerted on the column of water inside the plant if the water is being “pulled” through the xylem.

Is the column of water strong enough to withstand these forces? Or, will the column be pulled apart at lower forces?

Prediction 1– The force necessary to “pull apart” a column of water will be greater than the force necessary to pull a column of water to the top of a tall tree.

Result 1– By spinning a glass capillary tube in a centrifuge, very large forces of tension could be exerted on the column of water in the capillary tube. Measurements of these forces indicate that water columns are not pulled apart until subjected to forces 10 times those necessary to pull water to the top of a tall tree.

Question– Does this result prove that cohesion–tension accounts for water movement through the xylem?

Answer– No, but the results do indicate that water columns could withstand the forces necessary to transport water and are, thus, consistent with the hypothesis. If it had been found that the water column was pulled apart at much lower forces, then the hypothesis would have a serious weakness.

A stronger test of the hypothesis requires a direct measure of the tension, or “pull,” on water columns in the xylem of plants. These measurements could be compared to estimates of the pull necessary to move water.

Investigators searching for a technique to measure the pull on xylem water developed a pressure bomb apparatus Figure 1. A cut stem from a tree is placed in the pressure tank and sealed so that the cut end extends outside the tank. Gas is injected into the tank at increasing pressure until water is forced out of the cut end of the stem. (When the stem is first cut, water in the xylem at the cut appears to be pulled farther up into the stem). The pressure necessary to force water from the stem balances the pull on water in the xylem and is a measure of the tension in the xylem water.


The pull necessary to move water to the top of a 100 m redwood is estimated to be about –20 atmospheres.

What would you predict about the pull measured with the pressure–bomb apparatus?

Prediction 2– A pull will be measured sufficient to move water to the top of a tree if cohesion–tension is moving water in the xylem.

Result 2–Forces in excess of –20 atmospheres have been measured in stems from the top of tress less than 100 m tall. Since this force is clearly sufficient to move water to the treetop, these measurements support the cohesion–tension hypothesis.



1.      What would be observed if the pressure in the bomb were increased well beyond the point that balances the pull on xylem water.


2.      What would happen if evaporation of water from the leaves was decreased?


3.      In additional measurements, stems from different heights on the same tree were used for measurements in the pressure–bomb apparatus.  What results would be predicted in these measurements?


Prediction 3– Forces in stems higher on the tree should be higher than forces measured from stems lower on the tree.

Result 3– Table 1 presents data obtained from one tree.


Table 1. Tree height versus measured force.

            Height on Tree  Measure Force (atm)

                        82m                 -17

                        57m                 -14

                        15m                 -9


These data are consistent with the prediction and in every case are sufficient to pull water to the indicated height.





4.      Salt in soil water can exert a counterforce, tending to move water from a plant’s roots to the soil if the plant is growing in salty water. What would you expect to find if pressure–bomb measurements were made on such plants? Why?


5.      How would the pressure–flow hypothesis explain the rise of sap in trees before leaves are formed in the spring?


Active Learning Exercise #4

Case Study IV: Stomates Opening and Closing




1.      Why do stomata close at night?


2.      What observations would you predict if CO2 concentration were varied in the dark?


3.      How are stomata able to close and decrease water loss when the plant’s external atmosphere is dry?


4.      What observations would you predict if light intensity was varied while CO2 concentrations remained the same?


5.      What observations would you predict if light wavelength was varied while CO2 concentrations remained the same?


Active Learning Exercise #4

Case Study V: The Absorption of Water and Minerals by Roots


Your assignment is to give a 5 to 10 minute presentation on this topic.

The outline

1.      Water and minerals

2.      Diffusion alone is not enough

3.      The path of water and minerals from the soil solution to the xylem

4.      Root Pressure as a force in the ascent of xylem sap

Be sure to include in your presentation structural features of importance, membrane selectivity, what keeps mineral in when the pressure potential is positive, apoplastic and symplastic movements.


Active Learning Exercise #4

Case Study VI: The Control of Transpiration

Your assignment is to give a 5 to 10 minute presentation on this topic.

The outline

1.      The photosynthesis–transpiration compromise

2.      Water use efficiency

3.      The cost and benefits of transpiration

4.      Adaptations that reduce transpiration

Be sure to include in your presentation structural features of importance, their distribution etc. etc.








General directions to completion of case study assignments

This will be a collaborative effort. Each case study will be assigned to a specific group of people. But the information is information that everyone needs to know. Consequently each group will give a short presentation in which they respond verbally to the questions and questions from the audience. If everyone attempts to do the work your understanding will be enhanced. No not everyone needs to get in front of the class and talk, but active participation is expected. Who will get up to give the presentation only the 3x5 cards know. Give yourselves about 10 minutes to present the answers. I will try hard to spread the responsibility to provide information to the class equally among your classmates.

I would recommend that everyone try to do all of the case studies but I will assign you to a group to provide moral support.


State, Elaborate, Exemplify, Illustrate


Active Learning Exercise #5



1.      Describe and discuss photosynthate source/sink relationships in terms of short-distance transport.


2.      Describe and discuss photosynthate source/sink relationships in terms of long-distance transport.


3.      Stomates are necessary structural features for gas exchange and photosynthesis. Describe and discuss stomatal opening and closing in terms of stomatal structure.


4.      Stomates are necessary structural features for gas exchange and photosynthesis. Describe and discuss stomatal opening and closing in stomatal physiology.


5.      Describe and discuss how stomatal opening and closing affects photosynthetic rate over the course of a day.


6.      What is the relationship between the wavelength of a photon and its energy content? Place this understanding within the context of photosynthesis.


7.      Name and describe the pigments required in photosynthesis. What properties of pigments are essential in the process of photosynthesis?


8.      Where do the reactions of photosynthesis occur in the plant? What are the types of integration that occur between the cell proper and the chloroplast?


9.      Describe the roles of antennae complexes, reaction centers, and photosystems in photosynthesis.


10.  Describe and discuss the cyclic electron transport processes of photosynthesis in detail.


11.  Describe and discuss the noncyclic electron transport processes of photosynthesis in detail.


12.  Describe and discuss the dark reactions of photosynthesis.


13.  Compare and contrast the photochemical reactions of photosynthesis to the biochemical reactions.


14.  Describe photorespiration. Why does it occur?


15.  How do some plants minimize the effects of photorespiration?


16.  Discuss and describe environmental factors that control the rate of photosynthesis in a plant?


17.  What are some of the possible fates of photosynthates in plants?


18.  Describe and discuss how the fate of photosynthate changes during the growing season.

Active Learning Exercise #6

Plant Nutrition:  Prethinking Assignment: 6A

Read: Chapter 37

I am going to count you off by fours and assign by number a topic(s) for an exercise.

       Thinker Number                         Topic

                    1                           Macronutrients

                    2.                          Micronutrients

                    3                           Mobile nutrients

                    4                           Immobile nutrients

The Process for Each Assignment

The exercise

1.   Go home tonight and put together a 2 to 3 minute presentation on your assigned topic. Remember to use specific examples!!!

2.   Tomorrow in class the no. 1 and no. 2 people and the no. 3 and no. 4 people will form groups of 2

3.   Then each group of two will teach each other their topic in a 4 to 7 minute time block.

4.   As soon as your group of two is finished raise your hand somehow indicating which topics on which you are experts.

5.   The groups of 2 will now form groups of 4 such that the larger group will contain experts on all 4 topics.

6.   The group of 4 will then teach each other about their topics in 12 minutes or less.

7.   To insure your preparedness for this activity write out your ideas using the format of a ticket assignment (I. Restate the assignment in your own words, II. State the purpose of the assignment, III. State the underlying issue, IV. Do the assignment). Yep this is one of those other types of preclass clearance assignments. Stamping and Stamping rules in effect!!


1.   We will have a class discussion on the topics focusing our explanations through the use of the elements of thought and the intellectual standards.

2.   If they are not stampable I will tell you to go to the library and complete the assignment.

3.   This assignment will become part of your portfolio and could potentially be evaluated for a grade like any other ticket assignment.

4.   Use the elements of thought and intellectual standards. I love to see those wheels turning.

5.   On a separate sheet of paper generate a test question and its answer on your topic for potential use on the next exam.

Plant Nutrition:  Prethinking Assignment: 6B

Read: Chapter 37

       Thinker Number                         Topic

                    1                           Soil Characteristics p717-718

                    2.                          Soil conservation 718-720

                    3                           The metabolism of soil bacteria 720-721

              4                           Strategies and adaptations that enhance plant nutrition 722-727

State, Elaborate, Exemplify, Illustrate


Active Learning Exercise #7


1.      Define and contrast the following terms: complete flowers, incomplete flowers, perfect flower, imperfect flowers, monoecious, and dioecious.




















2.      Discuss and describe the orientation of microfibrils as it relates to cell division.  What are the implications of microfibrils orientation in cell division? 













3.      Microfibril orientation is important in the functioning of other systems in plants.  Describe another example of the importance of microfibril orientation and the consequences in that system.










4.      If you were a plant and needed a chemical compound to act as a hormone what would the nature and characteristics of these compound be like?









5.      In the perception of a stimulus, what are presentation time and threshold? State, Elaborate, Exemplify, Illustrate










6.      Dandelion flowers open each morning and close each evening. Describe an experiment that would determine whether this daily activity is controlled by an internal biological clock or simply by the presence or absence of light.












7.      In your groups do the following:  1)  consider plants and their environment,  2) make a list of the types of environmental stimuli that plants face and correlate these stimuli to things plants do in response to these stimuli,  3) generate a list of questions that emerge from your groups discussion of these environmental stimuli/plant response correlations,  4) read your groups list of environmental stimuli/plant response correlations to the class, 5) read your groups list of questions to the class, indicating why your group thinks each question is important (biologically speaking).  State, Elaborate, Exemplify, Illustrate





Active Learning Exercise #8


In tabular form list the classes of plant hormones, provide their chemical structures, indicate where each is produced in the plant body, and list each ones major functions.

















There are 4 responses plants can make to stimuli, tropic responses morphogenic responses, nastic responses, and taxis.  Define each of these concepts. State, Elaborate, Exemplify, Illustrate










Graphically and with the use of words describe the acid growth hypothesis. State, Elaborate, Exemplify, Illustrate







Graphically and with the use of words describe the polar transport of auxin.  Provide evidence that the polar transport of auxin is more likely than other processes.








Graphically and with the use of words describe the history of the discovery of auxin.






















Explain how it is possible that a short-day plant and a long-day plant growing in the same location could flower on the same day of the year. 









In your groups do the following:  1) generate a list of descriptions of environmental stresses that plants face,  2) generate a list of questions that emerge from your groups descriptions,  3) read your groups descriptions to the class,  4) read off the list of questions to the class, indicating why your group thinks each question is important (biologically speaking). State, Elaborate, Exemplify, Illustrate










Active Learning Exercise #9


1.      What are the three ways your instructor told you that you can easily organize nature?




2.      Define species, population, community, ecosystem, habitat, niche, r-selected species, k-selected species, exponential growth, sigmoidal growth, population size, population density, density-dependent limiting factors, density-independent limiting factors, competitive exclusion principle, mutualism, symbiosis, commensalism, amensalism, neutralism, predation, parasitism, population distribution, age-structures biotic potential, environmental resistance, succession, primary succession, secondary succession, survivorship, carrying capacity, ecology. State, Elaborate, Exemplify, Illustrate



3.      What is a pioneer species?  Are they more likely to be r-selected or k-selected?  Why?














4.      Unless you are otherwise engaged by your instructor consider the following activity.  In your groups do the following:  1)  select a reasonably sized area to observe 2) list all of the  abiotic and biotic factors you observe using all of your senses (realize that you may have to close your eyes to observe better with your ears and nose),  3) generate a list of interactions that you observe between the abiotic and biotic factors in your study area,  4) generate a list of questions that emerge of questions that emerge from your groups observations,  5) read your groups descriptions to the class,  6) read off the list of questions to the class, indicating why your group thinks each question is important (biologically speaking). State, Elaborate, Exemplify, Illustrate