Degree Options

Associate in Applied Science Degrees in Water Supply Technology and Wastewater Technology may be completed in eight quarters (two years), again, depending on student composition, computation and computing skills.

Certificates of Proficiency in Water Distribution Technology, Municipal Wastewater Treatment Technology and Wastewater Collection Technology may be completed in as few as three quarters, depending on student composition, computation and computing skills (contact an advisor for skills assessment information).

The programs may also be completed on a part-time basis over a longer period of time. Most classes are also available online.

Does the program transfer to four-year schools? In general, the classes for the Water Supply Technology and Wastewater Technology programs are not designed to transfer. However, some four-year schools may accept the Associate in Applied Science degree.

This degree program prepares graduates for positions in municipal wastewater collection systems and treatment facilities. Along with appropriate operating experience, this degree provides a foundation for positions with responsibilities beyond the entry level. The requirements build on those for the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Technology Certificate of Proficiency, which should generally be completed first.

This degree program prepares graduates for positions in municipal wastewater collection systems and treatment facilities. Along with appropriate operating experience, this degree provides a foundation for positions with responsibilities beyond the entry level. The requirements build on those for the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Technology Certificate of Proficiency, which should generally be completed first.

This certificate program prepares graduates for entry-level positions operating and maintaining public drinking water distribution systems. The program is designed for a fall quarter start, depending upon student composition, computation and computing skills; please contact an advisor for skill assessment information.

This certificate program prepares graduates for entry-level positions in municipal wastewater treatment facilities. The program is designed for a fall quarter start, depending upon student composition, computation and computing.

This certificate program prepares graduates for entry-level positions operating and maintaining municipal wastewater collection systems. This program is designed for a fall quarter start, depending upon student composition, computation and computing skills; please contact an advisor for skills assessment information.

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